

Monday, February 25, 2013


The art of passive-aggressive Facebook status' and posts.

Yes, it's an art.
It requires several skills and qualities that some do not possess.

  1. You must care very little about this person you refer to, and very much about yourself.
  2. You must not mind that nice people see you as a cotton-headed-ninny-muggins.
  3. You must be prepared to endure criticism from those who recognize the childish actions you take  part in.
  4. You must be snippy, bold, and blunt.
  5. Your tone must remain angry, sarcastic, and forceful.

But finally, it must make you feel refreshed and all powerful, and will FOR SURE fix any problem you're having.

Okay, BYE passive-aggressive Facebookers.
There's too many of you going around.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


If school were an animal, it would be a crow.

And stupid.
Just dumb.

Yes, I know. School has lots of cool elements. I have done most of my intellectual learning at school, and created skills that I will use for a lifetime. It has a purpose. Like I'm sure Crows do, but sometimes its quite hard to distinguish that purpose.

I've come to the conclusion over the years that Crows are something none of us especially want around, but we have just grown used to the fact that they are, and will continue to be. They appear fairly harmless but have capabilities to pluck out eyes, memorize faces, and destroy their predators. Once you're around them you become fairly uneasy. It's a distraction from things that make you happy. You can't remain fully invested in this fun activity because in the back of your mind you're thinking "that damn Crow...". What's its purpose?! Why don't we question their intent a little more? And why do we assume that everything it does is right, just because that's what it's doing? Nah, it's a bird. Birds do this. Noooo... they shouldn't be allowed to poop on our cars just because other birds have been known to do so. We should question these actions when we know they aren't right. 

Then again, they are birds. And we can't really question them.
That's where the difference lies between School and Crows.

Sure, we still don't especially want it around.
Yes, we are used to the fact that it is, and will continue to be.
Of course, they appear harmless, but can RUIN us.
They do interrupt fun things when we remember we have to attend class or study.
We don't question the system quite enough.
And we assume that just because they have means of authority, everything they do is acceptable.

We could ask them why.
And point out that sometimes their teaching methods are more preaching methods.
Now don't get me wrong - regardless of my teenage rant about wanting to live my life and get out into the world, I do respect some parts of the schooling systems I have attended. One of which my own Father contributes to, in a very respectable manner. But that same Father of mine taught me that questioning things is healthy, and without doing so we will never learn. We need to put this in practice. Look at problems, even solutions, and question them. Not everything is black and white, and 2 + 2. Our job is to find color.

Oh crap...

I just realized why we go to school.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The 1's

Every Tuesday here in Bellingham, we have a little thing called The Inn that I like to go to.
It's like church on a Tuesday, aimed specifically to appeal to college aged individuals. 
I haven't attended every week - but the weeks that I do go, it always feels like the topic was decided because they knew I was coming.
Last week, we talked about friends.

       The pastor, John, spoke about how hard it is to make new friends when you already have so many that you feel comfortable and safe with. He said that sometimes going in to college and surrounding yourself with people can be the loneliest feeling. I looked around the room and saw tears in some peoples eyes, and felt them forming in my own. He touched on how a lot of times, we try to force friendships with people to accommodate for the ones that we are no longer around. He said that we try to make someone the character substitute for someone else in our lives; someone who is comfortable and safe. After a while he put a slide up on the projector. It was a giant circle. Within this circle were 4 more circles. Split into their own categories; 4-3-2-1. The circle entitled "4" was the friends that say "hey how are you?" in passing, and are already gone by the time we respond. The ones that receive a curtsy smile, or invitations to dinner when you don't want to sit alone, maybe. The 3's are a little more in depth. The ones who you know a little bit about, can share some laughs, and can have lots of superficial conversations about dreamy boys or expensive makeup products. The 2's are the people you hang out with often. The ones that know most of your stories, and you feel comfortable talking to about things that bother you or excite you. But the 1's... the 1's are the people that you go to when you "just need someone to weep with". John continued to say that we will only ever have a few of these in our lives. 

I have been so lucky with my 1's.

After my day of not feeling well, being anxious to go home, and wanting nothing but chocolate...
I spoke to one of my 1's on the phone.
My day is better.

If you're feeling anything less than perfect today, I advise calling a 1.
And if you do feel perfect, call them anyway. They are a big reason why things are well in your world.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Two X Chromosomes

Wanna know why being a girl super sucks sometimes?
Because you just cry for no reason.
Way too much.
Like... stop, why?
But then you have a reason to cry.

Because he made you mad.
And that puppy was cute... I want a puppy.
I ran out of coffee creamer, why don't they sell it on campus? Their all so dumb.
I have to wake up early and I can't remember if I had homework.
My nail polish just chipped and I seriously painted them 3 hours ago.
Why isn't it Summer? Winter - you're dismissed. 
I think that girl was driving and crying, no... :(
Remember my imaginary friend "Kenna"?
I miss my mom and her smell of Nordstrom.
I just got soap in my eyes.
I will never be Norah Jones.
This dorm room is smaller than a Saltines box.

Yeah... actually I think being a girl might be good. Because we come up with lots of reasons why it's justifiable to cry when you just feel like it's necessary.