

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The 1's

Every Tuesday here in Bellingham, we have a little thing called The Inn that I like to go to.
It's like church on a Tuesday, aimed specifically to appeal to college aged individuals. 
I haven't attended every week - but the weeks that I do go, it always feels like the topic was decided because they knew I was coming.
Last week, we talked about friends.

       The pastor, John, spoke about how hard it is to make new friends when you already have so many that you feel comfortable and safe with. He said that sometimes going in to college and surrounding yourself with people can be the loneliest feeling. I looked around the room and saw tears in some peoples eyes, and felt them forming in my own. He touched on how a lot of times, we try to force friendships with people to accommodate for the ones that we are no longer around. He said that we try to make someone the character substitute for someone else in our lives; someone who is comfortable and safe. After a while he put a slide up on the projector. It was a giant circle. Within this circle were 4 more circles. Split into their own categories; 4-3-2-1. The circle entitled "4" was the friends that say "hey how are you?" in passing, and are already gone by the time we respond. The ones that receive a curtsy smile, or invitations to dinner when you don't want to sit alone, maybe. The 3's are a little more in depth. The ones who you know a little bit about, can share some laughs, and can have lots of superficial conversations about dreamy boys or expensive makeup products. The 2's are the people you hang out with often. The ones that know most of your stories, and you feel comfortable talking to about things that bother you or excite you. But the 1's... the 1's are the people that you go to when you "just need someone to weep with". John continued to say that we will only ever have a few of these in our lives. 

I have been so lucky with my 1's.

After my day of not feeling well, being anxious to go home, and wanting nothing but chocolate...
I spoke to one of my 1's on the phone.
My day is better.

If you're feeling anything less than perfect today, I advise calling a 1.
And if you do feel perfect, call them anyway. They are a big reason why things are well in your world.

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